Book Event

A Return to Common Sense by Leigh McGowan

Leigh McGowan, or Politicsgirl, is a social media sensation. An immigrant from Canada, she has an outsider's take on American politics, holding America to its stated principles, and calling out truth from rhetoric. In her book, she takes Thomas Paine's Common Sense and updates it, comparing her six American ideals to today's political reality.

These are her ideals: America is a land of freedom, everyone should have the opportunity to rise, every citizen has a vote and that vote should count, representatives should represent those who elected them, the law applies to all, the government should be a force for good. While they seem pretty basic, McGowan thoroughly explains what they should be and how far we have strayed from them. Using language everyone can understand, she gives the basic history of what the Framers of the Constitution accomplished and how they wrote the Constitution as a fluid document which was supposed to grow with the country. After reading the book, I was able to see today's political scene in a new way and hopefully will apply what I learned to the upcoming election.

Reviewed by Donna Ballard

Publication date - September 17, 2024

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